Generating a new display div element using an anchor link

I've set up a div container with a button that, upon clicking, adds a class to an element in my markup causing it to expand and take over the entire screen.

Markup before:

<section class="isi" data-trigger="toggle" data-trigger-class="isi--show-isi">

After adding the class:

<section class="isi isi--show-isi" data-trigger="toggle" data-trigger-class="isi--show-isi">

The Issue:

The problem arises when attempting to create a new anchor link instance to trigger this same class attachment for displaying the div in a similar manner but through a different link.

My attempt:

$('a.isilnk').on('click', function(){

I've experimented with different methods such as toggling classes and triggering clicks, yet the class appears to be attached only momentarily before quickly detaching. Any insights on how to overcome this?

Answer №1

To effectively interact with elements that are generated dynamically, it's important to utilize the .on() method in jQuery as shown in this example:

$(document).on('click', 'a.dynamic-link', function(){

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