What is the best way to close an ajax page within the main page using a button?

I am dealing with a situation where I have 2 pages. The first page contains a div called 'ajaxicall', which loads another page inside it.

The challenge I am facing is figuring out how to close the second page when I click on the "close" button within that page, and then display the containers of my first div again. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

<!doctype html>
 <meta charset="utf-8">

  <div class="ajaxicall">
    <span id="addtobasketspan">First Div</span>
    <img src="images/shopping-cart-xxl.png"/>

  $("#addtobasketspan").click(function(e) {
       data: 'lid=1',
          $("ajaxicall").load('secondpage`enter code here`.html');


Answer №1

Check out the code snippet on jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/acc33fm3/

This code uses jQuery to dynamically add a button to a page retrieved through AJAX, allowing you to easily hide the content when needed:

$("#addtobasketspan").click(function(e) {
    //url: 'secondpage.html',
    type: 'get',
    data: 'lid=1',
    success: function(data) {
      //$(".second-div").load('secondpage`enter code here`.html');
      $(".second-div").append('<button class="close-div">X</button>');

$(document).on("click", ".close-div", function() {

To implement this functionality in your project, just remember to append a button and use it to hide the loaded content.

Answer №2

For the second page, it's recommended to include an element such as a close button to easily exit and return to the default view of the first page. Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

<a href="#" id="closeButton">Close</a>

To add functionality to the close button, you can use the following code snippet:

    $('#ajaxCall', window.parent.document).html('
        <span id="addToBasketSpan">First Div</span>
        <img src="images/shopping-cart-xxl.png"/>

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