Guide to implementing a seamless Vue collapse animation with the v-if directive

Struggling with Vue transitions, I am attempting to smoothly show/hide content using v-if. Although I grasp the CSS classes and transitions involved, making the content appear 'smoothly' using techniques like opacity or translation, once the animation is complete (or beginning), any HTML sections below seem to 'jump'.

I'm aiming for a similar effect as the Bootstrap 4 'collapse' class - check out how it works by clicking one of the top buttons here:

When the hidden section appears/disappears, all the HTML content should 'slide' nicely with it.

Is it possible to utilize Vue transitions for displaying content using v-if? The samples on the Vue transitions docs showcase wonderful CSS transition effects but exhibit the issue of HTML elements 'jumping' during or after completion of the transition.

I have come across some pure JS solutions involving max-height -

and attempted to implement it in Vue:

.smooth-enter-active, .smooth-leave-active {
  transition: max-height .5s;
.smooth-enter, .smooth-leave-to {
  max-height: 0 .5s;

Answer №1

When faced with a similar task, I quickly realized that achieving it without JavaScript was not possible. Therefore, I decided to create my own custom transition component inspired by the concept of Reusable Transitions. This solution worked perfectly for me:

Vue.component('transition-collapse-height', {
  template: `<transition
    <slot />
  methods: {
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    beforeEnter(element) {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        if (! {
 = '0px';
        } = null;
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    enter(element) {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
 = `${element.scrollHeight}px`;
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    afterEnter(element) { = null;
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    beforeLeave(element) {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        if (! {
 = `${element.offsetHeight}px`;
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    leave(element) {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
 = '0px';
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
    afterLeave(element) { = null;

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: () => ({
    isOpen: true,
  methods: {
    onClick() {
      this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;
.leave-active {
  overflow: hidden;
  transition: height 1s linear;

.content {
  background: grey;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  <button @click="onClick">
   <div v-show="isOpen" class="content">

Answer №2

When animating max-height, make sure to specify the max-height value for the element you wish to animate and correct any issues with the second class where 's' (or seconds) is mistakenly included in the max-height definition:

  max-height: 20px;
.smooth-enter-active, .smooth-leave-active {
  transition: max-height .5s;
.smooth-enter, .smooth-leave-to {
  max-height: 0;

If you want a collapse effect similar to Bootstrap 4's collapse feature, you can refer to the example on the Vue website:

.smooth-enter-active, .smooth-leave-active {
  transition: opacity .5s;
.smooth-enter, .smooth-leave-to {
  opacity: 0

To achieve your desired outcome, determine the content height first and then set it within the .*-enter-to and .*-leave classes. One approach to accomplish this is illustrated in the provided JSFiddle link below:

You can also opt to forego using v-if or v-show and simply hide the element by adjusting the height value, which may result in a smoother animation:

Answer №3

My Vue3 solution utilizes the Web Animation API for smooth transitions. Check out the demo. This approach is reminiscent of one shared by Alexandr Vysotsky. However, my implementation also maintains the initial height of the block.

I originally drew inspiration from this blog post, and made enhancements to preserve the initial style of the content block post transition. The key change involved transitioning to the Web Animation API, which offers performance comparable to pure CSS animations while providing greater control. This update eliminated the need for all performance optimization hacks present in the original solution.

<script setup lang="ts">
interface Props {
  duration?: number;
  easingEnter?: string;
  easingLeave?: string;
  opacityClosed?: number;
  opacityOpened?: number;

const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
  duration: 250,
  easingEnter: "ease-in-out",
  easingLeave: "ease-in-out",
  opacityClosed: 0,
  opacityOpened: 1,

const closed = "0px";

interface initialStyle {
  height: string;
  width: string;
  position: string;
  visibility: string;
  overflow: string;
  paddingTop: string;
  paddingBottom: string;
  borderTopWidth: string;
  borderBottomWidth: string;
  marginTop: string;
  marginBottom: string;

function getElementStyle(element: HTMLElement) {
  return {

function prepareElement(element: HTMLElement, initialStyle: initialStyle) {
  const { width } = getComputedStyle(element); = width; = "absolute"; = "hidden"; = "";
  let { height } = getComputedStyle(element); = initialStyle.width; = initialStyle.position; = initialStyle.visibility; = closed; = "hidden";
  return initialStyle.height && initialStyle.height != closed
    ? initialStyle.height
    : height;

function animateTransition(
  element: HTMLElement,
  initialStyle: initialStyle,
  done: () => void,
  keyframes: Keyframe[] | PropertyIndexedKeyframes | null,
  options?: number | KeyframeAnimationOptions
) {
  const animation = element.animate(keyframes, options);
  // Set height to 'auto' to restore it after animation = initialStyle.height;
  animation.onfinish = () => { = initialStyle.overflow;

function getEnterKeyframes(height: string, initialStyle: initialStyle) {
  return [
      height: closed,
      opacity: props.opacityClosed,
      paddingTop: closed,
      paddingBottom: closed,
      borderTopWidth: closed,
      borderBottomWidth: closed,
      marginTop: closed,
      marginBottom: closed,
      opacity: props.opacityOpened,
      paddingTop: initialStyle.paddingTop,
      paddingBottom: initialStyle.paddingBottom,
      borderTopWidth: initialStyle.borderTopWidth,
      borderBottomWidth: initialStyle.borderBottomWidth,
      marginTop: initialStyle.marginTop,
      marginBottom: initialStyle.marginBottom,

function enterTransition(element: Element, done: () => void) {
  const HTMLElement = element as HTMLElement;
  const initialStyle = getElementStyle(HTMLElement);
  const height = prepareElement(HTMLElement, initialStyle);
  const keyframes = getEnterKeyframes(height, initialStyle);
  const options = { duration: props.duration, easing: props.easingEnter };
  animateTransition(HTMLElement, initialStyle, done, keyframes, options);

function leaveTransition(element: Element, done: () => void) {
  const HTMLElement = element as HTMLElement;
  const initialStyle = getElementStyle(HTMLElement);
  const { height } = getComputedStyle(HTMLElement); = height; = "hidden";
  const keyframes = getEnterKeyframes(height, initialStyle).reverse();
  const options = { duration: props.duration, easing: props.easingLeave };
  animateTransition(HTMLElement, initialStyle, done, keyframes, options);

  <Transition :css="false" @enter="enterTransition" @leave="leaveTransition">
    <slot />

Answer №4

I made a few modifications to enhance @kostyfisik's solution by introducing width variability, allowing users to select the dimension to animate using the mode prop.

<script setup lang="ts">
interface IExpandAnimationProps {
  duration?: number;
  easingEnter?: string;
  easingLeave?: string;
  opacityClosed?: number;
  opacityOpened?: number;
  mode?: 'width' | 'height';

interface initialStyle {
  height: string;
  width: string;
  position: string;
  visibility: string;
  overflow: string;
  paddingTop: string;
  paddingBottom: string;
  paddingLeft: string;
  paddingRight: string;
  borderTopWidth: string;
  borderBottomWidth: string;
  borderLeftWidth: string;
  borderRightWidth: string;
  marginTop: string;
  marginBottom: string;
  marginLeft: string;
  marginRight: string;

const props = withDefaults(defineProps<IExpandAnimationProps>(), {
  duration: 300,
  easingEnter: 'ease-in-out',
  easingLeave: 'ease-in-out',
  opacityClosed: 0,
  opacityOpened: 1,
  mode: 'height',

const closed = '0px';

function getElementStyle(element: HTMLElement): initialStyle {
  return {

function prepareElement(element: HTMLElement, initialStyle: initialStyle): string {
  let width, height;
  if (props.mode === 'height') {
    // logic for height
  } else {
    // logic for width

function animateTransition(
  element: HTMLElement,
  initialStyle: initialStyle,
  done: () => void,
  keyframes: Keyframe[] | PropertyIndexedKeyframes | null,
  options?: number | KeyframeAnimationOptions,
): void {
  const animation = element.animate(keyframes, options);
  if (props.mode === 'height') {
    // set height style
  } else {
    // set width style
  animation.onfinish = () => {
    // reset styles

function getEnterKeyframes(measurement: string, initialStyle: initialStyle): Keyframe[] {
  if (props.mode === 'height') {
    // enter keyframes for height mode
  } else {
    // enter keyframes for width mode

function enterTransition(element: Element, done: () => void) {
  // transition entry function

function leaveTransition(element: Element, done: () => void) {
  // transition exit function

  <Transition :css="false" @enter="enterTransition" @leave="leaveTransition">
    <slot />

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