Is the content within the div longer than the actual div itself when the width is set to 100%?

When working with a div of fixed width that contains only an input text box, and the width of the input is set to 100%, you may notice that it extends slightly beyond the boundaries of the div.

For demonstration purposes, consider the following code:


<div class="container">
    <input class="content" id="Text1" type="text" />


    width: 300px;
    height: 30px;
    border: thin solid red;
    width: 100%;

Results may vary across different browsers such as Firefox, IE 8, Chrome, and Safari. The overflow width seems inconsistent.

If you're looking to make the content fit precisely within the width of the div, how can this be achieved?

Answer №2

To clear the paddings, margins, and borders, you have a few options. If you want to reset them for your entire site, consider using a reset CSS like Eric Meyer's:

Alternatively, you can create your own reset by setting everything to your preferred default values.

Answer №3

Remember to include a CSS reset on your webpage to ensure consistent styling across different browsers. Keep in mind that the input elements may have default padding applied.

Answer №4

After testing your code, I can confirm that it appears correctly in Firefox. It's possible that the issue lies in the specificity of your CSS rules:

Alternatively, there could be a problem with the structure of the surrounding HTML, such as an unclosed tag.

To troubleshoot, try placing your CSS and HTML into a standalone file to check for proper display. If everything looks good, consider examining the CSS properties of the parent elements.

If you don't already have it, I recommend installing the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox. This tool allows you to inspect element properties by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F, making it easier to diagnose any issues.

I hope these suggestions help resolve your problem.

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