Clicking on components that are stacked on top of each

I am facing an issue with two React arrow function components stacked on top of each other using absolute positioning. Both components have onClick attributes, but I want only the one on top to be clickable. Is there a workaround for this?

Here is a simplified version of the code:

const Card = ({...}) => {

    const styles = {
        optionsButton: {
            minHeight: 0,
            padding: "2px",
            position: "absolute",
            color: "#808080",
            zIndex: 1,
            right: 5,
            top: 5,
                backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'

    const [hovering, setHovering] = useState(false)
    const [isCardExpanded, setIsCardExpanded] = useState(false)

    const expandCard = () => {
    const closeCard = () => {

    const mainPaperStyle = () => {
        let style = {
            padding: "10px",
            cursor: "pointer",
            position: "absolute",
            "&:hover": {
                filter: "brightness(97%)"

        //Extra code here modifying color of the style, no positioning modifications

        return style

    const buttonAction = () => {
        console.log("Do action!")

            <Paper sx={mainPaperStyle()} onClick={expandCard} onMouseEnter={() => setHovering(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHovering(false)}>
                Lorem Ipsum

                {hovering &&
                    <Button variant="filled"
                            onClick={() => buttonAction()}>

Below are screenshots illustrating why I need two components stacked:

When hovering over the Paper component, a Button should appear. However, the issue arises when clicking the button as both expandCard and buttonAction functions trigger simultaneously. (I am using Material UI by the way)

Answer №1

To prevent event propagation, you can utilize the $event.stopPropagation(); method.

const firstFn = () => { // logic for the first function };
const secondFn = (event: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>) => { 
    // logic for the second function

In your specific scenario, it is necessary to update the buttonAction function as follows:

const buttonAction = (event) => {
    console.log("Perform action!")

Additionally, modify the return statement with the following changes:

            <Paper sx={mainPaperStyle()} onClick={expandCard} onMouseEnter={() => setHovering(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHovering(false)}>
                Lorem Ipsum

                {hovering &&
                    <Button variant="filled"
                            onClick={() => buttonAction($event)}>

For more information on this topic, refer to this resource

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