Tips to successfully utilize addEventListener on a submit action

Having issues getting this to work on submit, it functions properly when using

document.getElementById("gets").addEventListener("click", b_button);

but does not work when I try

document.getElementById("gets").addEventListener("submit", b_button);

Is there a way to make it work on submit instead of using click?

<form method="post">
    <button type="submit" id="gets">Submit</button>
    <p id="error"></p>
function b_button() {
    document.getElementById("gets").disabled = true;
    var time_meter = 10;
    var runTimer = setInterval(function() {
        if (time_meter <= 0) {
            document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = "";
        } else {
            document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = 'counting ' + time_meter;
        time_meter -= 1;
    }, 1000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        document.getElementById("gets").disabled = false;
    }, 10000);


// Change the event listener from click to submit
document.getElementById("gets").addEventListener("submit", b_button);

Answer №1

Make sure you're listening to form submission, not just button submission

<form id="form" method="post">

document.getElementById("form").addEventListener("submit", function(e){ .... }

Remember to include e.preventDefault(); in your code to prevent unintentional submissions

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