The issue of not being able to type in the sweetalert 2 input within a material UI modal in a

Within a card displaying an order, there is a sweetalert2 popup that opens when trying to cancel the order, asking for a cancellation reason. This feature works seamlessly on the orders screen.

<Grid item md={8} sm={12}> => <SupplierOrderBlock data={order} />)

When attempting to cancel an order, two sweetalerts are triggered. The first prompts the user to enter a reason, and if left blank, the second alert insists on providing a reason before cancelling.

const cancelOrder = (orderID, status) => {{
      title: "Are You Sure You Want to Cancel Order",
      text: "Please Enter the reason for the cancellation of order",
      input: "text",
      showCancelButton: true,
      confirmButtonColor: "#1c8fec",
      cancelButtonColor: "#fa013b",
      customClass: 'swal-wide'
    }).then((result) => {
      if (result.value == '') {
          title: "You can not cancel without giving a reason",
          showCancelButton: true,
          confirmButtonColor: "#1c8fec",
          cancelButtonColor: "#fa013b",
          buttons: {
            Confirm: { text: "Okay", className: "okayButton" },
else if (result.isConfirmed) { //cancel order}

This functionality operates smoothly. Now, when using the same component within a Material UI modal in my dashboard, I encounter an issue where text cannot be entered.

        style={{ width: "60%", zIndex: 1, marginLeft: '-10%' }}
        <Box style={{ marginLeft: "50%", marginTop: "25vh", width: "100%", position: 'absolute' }}>
          <SupplierOrderBlock data={supplierorder} />

If I remove the Z-index property from the Modal, the sweetalert goes behind the modal

However, upon closing the modal, it allows users to enter a reason

Answer №1

Having trouble with untypeable input in SweetAlert2 nested within a Material-UI Drawer in your React app? Here's a solution:

The issue stems from MUI Drawer/Modal Focus management. To fix it, utilize the disableEnforceFocus property on the drawer/modal. When set to true, this allows the drawer to lose focus, enabling user input.

Keep in mind that this change may impact accessibility for screen readers, so proceed with caution.

Check out the code snippet below -

<Drawer id="drawer" anchor="right" open={true} **disableEnforceFocus**
    <MyComponent/>//Inside this component i have sweetalert

It's possible that using the same property could resolve a similar issue with a MUI Modal as well.

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