Illustration: Fixing a CSS Issue

After implementing Technique #8 from the Nine Techniques for CSS Image Replacement, I am not getting the desired results. Instead of correctly positioned images, the output is not what I anticipated. Here is a link to see for yourself:

I made a modification by replacing all width: 100% and height: 100% values with the actual image sizes. Without this change, the images were not displaying at all. Despite this adjustment, I am still puzzled as to why the technique is not functioning properly. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

The issue lies in the size of your background images compared to the space you have designated for them. Additionally, there is excess "padding" around the images causing an odd spacing where the text begins. Adjusting the height/width of your list elements or modifying the padding could help achieve the desired look. Currently, the images are being cut off due to their dimensions of 25px/75px width/height.

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