Navigate to a particular section, initially gliding smoothly before suddenly lurching downwards on the screen

I am currently working on improving the functionality of my fixed navigation bar at the top of the screen. When a link in the nav bar is clicked, it scrolls to a specific section using this code:

   $('a[href^="#"]').bind('click.smoothscroll',function (e) {

       var target = this.hash,
           $target = $(target);

       $('html, body').animate({
           'scrollTop': $target.offset().top - 45
       }, 400, 'swing', function () {
           window.location.hash = target;

The issue I'm facing is that when it scrolls to the section, it shifts down on the screen and covers content initially. However, if I click on the same section again, it goes to the correct spot without any shifting. How can I make sure it goes to the correct spot on the first click?

If I remove the "- 35" part from the animate() function, it does not shift down but I need to offset the nav bar to prevent it from covering content. What could be causing this jumping/shifting behavior? Any advice or insights would be appreciated. Thank you!

Note: I also have another piece of code, but I am unsure if it contributes to the issue:

   var offset = $(".navbar").offset().top;
   $(window).scroll(function() {
         if ($(window).scrollTop() >= offset) {

UPDATE: By delving deeper into jQuery's animate details, I realized that the "complete" parameter (a function to call once the animation is complete) I was using was unnecessary, so I removed it from my code.

Answer №1

Avoiding setting the hash after the animation is crucial for a smooth transition. By utilizing an offset in the animation (-45), the movement smoothly flows to the specified coordinates. However, the abrupt jump to the hash position occurs when location.hash is set once the animation finishes. To remedy this, eliminate the hash from the location (achieved through preventDefault()) and refrain from setting it again post-animation.

$('a[href^="#"]').bind('click.smoothscroll',function (e) {
    var target = this.hash,
        $target = $(target);
    $('html, body').animate({
        'scrollTop': $target.offset().top - 45
    }, 400, 'swing');

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