Currently, I am facing an issue with a filled variant TextField from Mui React. I have tried to modify it using theme components, but the placeholder text becomes hidden when the field is not focused. See here for Before Focus And here for On Focus
I have attempted various methods to adjust the opacity of the placeholder text, but it seems that Mui has set the default opacity to zero and even using !important does not override it. Is there anyone who can provide guidance on how to resolve this issue?
The specific class that I believe should be overriding the opacity is as follows:
label[data-shrink=false]+.MuiInputBase-formControl .mui-szobsr-MuiInputBase-input-MuiFilledInput-input::-webkit-input-placeholder
Here is a screenshot of the Dev tools showing the class that overrides the opacity.
My goal is to ensure that the placeholder text remains visible at all times, similar to the example shown in this image: