Is it possible to update the CSS file of an external SVG file in real-time?

Is there a way for an SVG image to reference another CSS file?

  • A webpage contains an SVG file.
  • A button allows users to switch between classic colors and high contrast mode on the entire webpage, including the SVG image.


w.css (white background)

svg { background-color:white; }
path{ fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8px; }

b.css (black background)

svg { background-color:black; }
path{ fill:none; stroke:white; stroke-width:10px; }


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="w.css" title="classic" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="b.css" title="contrast" alternate="yes" ?>
<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%">
   <path d="M150,100 H50 V300 H150 M250,300 H300" />



<embed id="svg_image" src="image.svg" type="image/svg+xml" /> 

<script type="text/javascript">
var embed = document.getElementById("svg_image");
function change_css(file){
    var svgdoc = embed.getSVGDocument();
    var b = svgdoc.childNodes;
    for (var i=0; i<b.length; i++){
        var itm = b.item(i);
        itm.Data = "href='"+ file +"' type='text/css'" ;

<input name="c" type="radio" onclick="change_css('b.css');">High contrast<br>
<input name="c" type="radio" onclick="change_css('w.css');" checked="yes">Classic


WEB SEARCH: No answer found in 2011

UPDATE: See also question about correctly structuring javascript, css, and svg
Maybe jQuery SVG (

Answer №1

Consider this alternative approach instead of switching actual stylesheets: set a CSS class on a high level element and then manipulate that class with Javascript. This way, you can consolidate all your CSS rules in one file and simplify your selectors like so:

<svg xmlns="" class="someclass">
        .someclass .mypath { stroke: blue; }
        .someotherclass .mypath { stroke: red; }
    <path d="M150,100 H50 V300 H150 M250,300 H300" class="mypath" />

Think of it as an if...else construct. If the element is a descendant of someclass, apply the blue color, otherwise apply the red color.

Keep in mind though, some browsers may encounter issues with external stylesheets in SVG documents.

Answer №2

Looking to manipulate style sheets with JavaScript for SVG? Check out this resource: . It provides a guide on how to toggle style sheets using JavaScript and could potentially be adapted for use with SVG.

I decided to test it out myself by using Firebug on a webpage that included an SVG with an external CSS reference.

let objects = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
let svgDoc = objects[0].getSVGDocument();
svgDoc.styleSheets[0].disabled = true;

The experiment yielded successful results, indicating that the method is effective.

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