Guidance on dynamically changing the primary color in Ionic 5

Currently, my app-component routes to a split-layout which then navigates to other pages. When I want to change the accent color in the settings page, I use the following workaround:

changeAccentColor() {
    console.log('Accent-color changed to: ', this.selectedAccentColor);'--accentColor', this.selectedAccentColor);'--toggleHead', '#ffffff');

The accent color is applied like this:

<ion-toggle style='--handle-background-checked:var(--toggleHead); --background-checked:var(--accentColor)'>Toggle</ion-toggle>

and in other places like this:

.active-link {
    --ion-text-color: var(--accentColor);
    font-weight: bold;

While this method somewhat works, it feels like a hack to me because I am unable to utilize Ionic's standard color handling methods. Is there a way to directly change the primary color during runtime, and if not, what would be the best alternative?

Answer №1

To dynamically change styles in Angular, the most common method is to utilize ngStyle

If ngStyle doesn't work with ion-toggle in your situation, you can directly bind the color variables to the style and modify them as needed throughout your code like so:

In your .ts file:

ngOnInit() {
   this.selectedAccentColor = 'blue';
   this.toggleHeadColor = 'red';

changeAccentColor() {
    this.selectedAccentColor = 'green';
    this.toggleHeadColor = 'yellow';

And in your .html file:

<ion-toggle style='--handle-background-checked:{{toggleHeadColor}}; --background-checked:{{selectedAccentColor}}'>Toggle</ion-toggle>

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