Display the div element only if the router is active and the navbar is visible

I am attempting to display a div underneath each link in a navbar when the page is active. I am looping through each link using *ngFor.

What I am trying to achieve looks like this:


However, what I am currently getting is this: https://i.sstatic.net/wzpzI.png

Below is my code:


<li class="nav-item mx-1" *ngFor="let link of links">
  <a class="nav-link" routerLinkActive="active" [routerLink]="link.url" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }">
  <div *ngIf="getRouteActive()" class="bg-primary" style="height: 4px;"></div>


getRouteActive() {
  return this.router.url === '/item1';

Answer №1

If you want to achieve the desired outcome, consider passing the url as a parameter to your function:

checkIfRouteActive(url) {
      // Assuming that the url already includes a forward slash
      return this.router.url === url;

Afterwards, in your HTML template:

<li class="nav-item mx-1" *ngFor="let link of links">
      <a class="nav-link" routerLinkActive="active" [routerLink]="link.url" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }">
      <div *ngIf="checkIfRouteActive(link.url)" class="bg-primary" style="height: 4px;"></div>

This approach should help you accomplish what you are aiming for.

Answer №2

Another option is to employ CSS for achieving the same effect:

.nav-item {
    div {
       visibility: hidden;

   .active + div{
       visibility: visible;

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