Click event not triggering to update image

I'm currently working on a Codepen project where I want to use JavaScript to change the image of an element with the id "chrome". However, my code doesn't seem to be working as expected. Can someone help me troubleshoot and fix this issue? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

The main goal is to modify the image of an element with the id of "chrome" when it's clicked.

Link to the Codepen

Below is the JavaScript code snippet that I have been using:

function changeImage() {

    if (document.getElementById("chrome").src == "") 
        document.getElementById("chrome").src = "";
        document.getElementById("chrome").src = "";

Essentially, I want to replace the chrome icon with an X image when it's clicked. Any insights on how to achieve this would be really helpful.

Answer №1

Modify the tag from

<img onclick()="changeImage()">
<img onclick="updateImg()">

Answer №2

To start, modify the

<img onclick()="changeImage()"
to <img onclick="changeImage()". This adjustment will not resolve your issue if you aim to implement it for multiple users, as every chrome image necessitates its individual ID for the function to operate on various logos.

Answer №3

You made an error in your code. In the inline onclick definition, you wrote:

<div onclick()="changeImage()"></div>

The correct syntax should be:

<div onclick="changeImage()"></div>

Check out the snippet below:

function changeImage() {

        if (document.getElementById("chrome").src == "") 
            document.getElementById("chrome").src = "";
            document.getElementById("chrome").src = ""
img {
height: 25px;
      padding-right: 4px;
li {
margin: 4px;
      clear: both;
li:nth-child(odd) { 
background: #f0f0f5; 
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li>Username<span class="pull-right">
          <img onclick="changeImage()" id ="chrome" src=""></span><span class="pull-right"><img id="firefox" src=""></span><span class="pull-right">
          <img id="ie" src=""></span></li>


Answer №4

Replace the function call from onclick()="changeImage()" to onclick="changeImage()". Make sure to remove the "()" brackets in the onclick function.

Answer №5

Your HTML code contains a syntax error. Remember that onclick is an HTML attribute, not a function, so it should not be called with parentheses like a function.

You only add parentheses to the value of the onclick attribute when using JavaScript syntax.

To correct this, your code should look like this:

<img onclick="changeImage()">

To see a working version of your code pen, visit:

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