using jquery to trap anchor in unordered list items

This section is dedicated to the menu on the website.

The code for this menu can be found in the _Layout.cshtml() page.

When the 'Neu Gesellschaft' page loads, I want to change the CSS of the anchor tag a. I attempted the following jQuery code:

    $('ul#menu li a#mnuNG').removeClass();
    $('ul#menu li a#mnuNG').addClass("menuitem-active");

However, it doesn't seem to be working as expected. It seems like I am having trouble targeting the anchor tag a. I used the F12 Developer Tools in IE10 but the new styles are not being applied. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If necessary, here is my menuitem-active class :

        background:#000000 !important;
        color:#fff !important;
        text-decoration:underline !important;

Answer №1

It's amazing how I stumbled upon the solution to this issue! The problem turned out to be with the id attribute of the anchor tag a. This was causing a malfunctioning href, resulting in the page not redirecting correctly and affecting various jquery functions.

By simply removing the id from the <a> tag and implementing the following code, everything worked perfectly.

$('#li1 a').removeClass().addClass("menuitem-active");

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