What is the best way to set up a condition that only runs if an element does not contain a certain class, such as "active"?

Click here for the picture I have a list of items: a, b, c, d, e, f. Whenever I click on item b, it becomes active and the other elements lose the "active" class. When an element has the "active" class, I want the background to change accordingly. If it doesn't have the class, I want to display a different image.

/*  when clicking on item b */
$("#item-b").click(function() {

    $("#content-a, #content-c, #content-d, #content-e, #content-f").hide();


if ($("#item-b").hasClass("active")) {
    $('#img-b').attr('src', 'img/img-b-active.png'); /* change image icon */
    $('.section-grey').css("background-image", "url(img/bg-ateliers-cuisine.png)"); /* change background */
    $('#btn-offre').css("background-color", "#ffbf4a"); /* change button color */
} else {
    alert("No active class found"); /* Display another image here */

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, you can utilize a mix of CSS and jQuery. It is recommended to assign common classes to the items (icons) for easier selection.

By setting default values in your CSS and altering them in jQuery conditionals, you can toggle between states. For example, changing the src of an image can be done using jQuery while colors and styles can be adjusted using CSS under the .active class.

Refer to the sample code provided below. If you require a more detailed explanation or if there are any misunderstandings, feel free to mention them in the comments section.

$(".item").click(function(event) {

  const otherContent = $(this).siblings().children()
  const thisContent = $(this).children();
  if (  $(this).is("#item-a")) {
    // do stuff here
    thisContent.css('color', 'pink')
  } else if (  $(this).is("#item-b")) {
    // do stuff here
    thisContent.css('color', 'green')
  } else if (  $(this).is("#item-c")) {
    // do stuff here
    thisContent.css('color', 'purple')
.item {
  /* no active class */
  background: red;

.item.active {
  /* with active class */
  background: blue;

.item > div {
  display: none;
  height: 100px;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="item-a" class="item">
  <div id="content-a">
    content A
<div id="item-b" class="item">
  <div id="content-b">
    content B
<div id="item-c" class="item">
  <div id="content-c">
    content C

Answer №2

For scenarios where there is no specific class present, you can implement a condition or add a class as needed. Refer to the code snippet below for guidance.

This issue is elucidated using jQuery and CSS.

background: green;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="det">click here again and again</div>

<div class='det'>click here again and again</div>

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