Utilizing MUI for layering components vertically: A step-by-step guide

I am looking for a way to style a div differently on Desktop and Mobile devices:

|  (icon)   |           (content)                  |(button here)|

On mobile, I want it to look like this:

|(icon)|    (content)    |
|      (button here)     |

I have experimented with using Card and CardHeader components, but they do not provide the desired outcome on mobile:

<Card sx={{ width: "90%", marginBottom: 2 }}>
        avatar={<img src={icon} style={{ maxWidth: "100%" }} />}
              width: "173px",
              height: "48px",
              letterSpacing: 1.4,

I am open to alternatives to using Card component. I have considered Grid but unsure about its stackable capabilities. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Based on the diagram you provided, it seems like Grid is the perfect solution for your needs, as it is designed specifically for creating responsive layouts. By using the xs, sm, md, lg, and xl props, you can specify how much space each item should occupy in a 12 column layout at different breakpoints. For instance, in your scenario:

<Grid container>
  <Grid item xs={4} sm={2}>
  <Grid item xs={8} sm={8}>
  <Grid item xs={12} sm={2}>
    (button here)





Here is a live example tailored to your requirements: https://codesandbox.io/s/basicgrid-material-demo-forked-q795q?file=/demo.js:0-725

Answer №2

The MUI Stack component is a versatile tool for stacking elements on a webpage. [1]: https://mui.com/material-ui/react-stack/ I've experimented with it a bit below, but be sure to review the documentation as it could save you time and effort.

import { Stack } from '@mui/material'
{ isMobile ? <Stack justifyItems="center" sx={{ width: `100%` }}>
    <Stack direction="row" spacing={12} alignItems="center" sx={{ margin: `auto` }}>
     <Stack sx={{ margin: `auto auto` }}>
        <button>Button here</button>
</Stack> : <Stack direction="row" spacing={12} alignItems="center">
        <button>Button here</button>
</Stack> }

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