What is the best way to customize the interval time for my specific situation?

I'm working on setting an interval in my app and I have the following code:


 <div class="text">
    <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="pickItem($index)">{{item.type}}</li>


 $scope.index = 0;
 $scope.currentItem = $scope.items[$scope.index];  // set the first item

// The interval starts 3 seconds after the app is loaded
$scope.startInt = $interval(function() {
    $scope.currentItem = $scope.items[$scope.index];

    if(scope.index === $scope.items.length) {
}, 3000)

The above code will start the interval 'AFTER' the page is loaded for 3 seconds. Is there any way to initiate the interval immediately when the page first loads? Thank you!

Answer №1

Give your anonymous function a name and then make sure to call it before starting the interval

function updateItem() {
    $scope.currentItem = $scope.items[$scope.index];

    if(scope.index === $scope.items.length) {

$scope.startInt = $interval(updateItem, 3000);

Answer №2

Here is a straightforward approach:

const updateInterval = () => {
    $scope.currentItem = $scope.items[$scope.index];

    if(scope.index === $scope.items.length) {


//The interval begins 3 seconds after the application loads
$scope.newInterval = $interval(updateInterval, 3000)

Answer №3

function updateNotifications($scope, $interval) {
    var notificationFunction = function(){ 
        $scope.currentNotification = $scope.notifications[$scope.currentIndex];

        if(scope.currentIndex === $scope.notifications.length) {
    $interval(notificationFunction, 3000);

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