`.svg file appearing slightly fuzzy when magnified in Chrome``

After careful consideration, I've chosen to use an SVG for my website logo. However, I am facing an issue with it rendering properly in Google Chrome. When the zoom level is set at 100%, the image appears blurry, but if I zoom out a couple of times, it looks fine. You can view how it looks on my site here:


If anyone has insight into what could be causing this problem and how to resolve it, I would greatly appreciate the help.

For reference, I created the SVG using Illustrator CS5.

Answer №1

The issue arises when using a percentage to define the width of the parent element containing the logo.

When this approach is taken, the browser first converts the vector image into an internal bitmap that matches the size specified for the image. Subsequently, the header element with a width of 80% encompasses the image.

Instead of re-rendering the vector, the browser scales the existing internal bitmap from 100% to 80%, resulting in slightly blurry edges due to interpolation. Browsers make this optimization decision for better performance of the parent's content.

To resolve this problem, it is recommended to eliminate the 80% scaling from the header (parent) element. Here's an alternative CSS rule that sets the image width explicitly:

#header {
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center;

.header-img {

In the HTML code, place the image like this:

<img class="header-img" src="logo.svg" alt="" />

(While you could use #header img {...}, it may impact performance negatively).

Here's a demonstration showcasing the difference between a 100% and 80% scaled rasterized bitmap for the logo:

Using a 100% rasterized bitmap for the logo size, subsequently scaled by the browser to 80%:

After removing the 80% scaling from the header (parent) element and setting the image width to 200px as an example:

Answer №2

After reviewing your SVG file, it appears that there are no issues as it is a 100% vector graphic with no embedded PNG files.

The blurriness you are experiencing may be due to the smaller size of the image and how it renders at 72 dpi on a regular screen. This can cause pixelation on the edges of the font, giving it a slightly blurred appearance.

However, on high-resolution devices such as a MacBook Pro or iPhone retina, your logo should appear crisp and clear without any pixelation issues.

Zooming in on the image should also show that it maintains its quality even when magnified.

Answer №3

To ensure Panzoom works correctly, include this code snippet on the webpage where you have implemented it:

    .panzoom {
        -webkit-backface-visibility: initial !important;
        -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;

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