Horizontal Accordion Design for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Books

I am currently working on developing a page that features a book layout. This page will include tabs that users can expand individually.

If you would like to see a working example, you can check out this link: https://codesandbox.io/s/book-layout-l28gh?file=/src/App.js:0-1419

import { useState } from "react";

const dataset = [
  { name: "A section", description: "page A" },
  { name: "B section", description: "page B" },
  { name: "C section with long title", description: "page C" },
  { name: "D section", description: "page D" }

export default function App() {
  return <Page />;

function Page({}) {
  const [openSection, setOpenSection] = useState(0);

  return (
        display: "flex",
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        height: "100vh"
      {dataset.map((datum, i) => {
        const { name } = datum;
        const isOpen = i === openSection;

        return (
              height: "100%",
              backgroundColor: isOpen ? "white" : "lightgray",
              border: `1px solid ${isOpen ? "white" : "black"}`,
              padding: 10,
              flex: 1,
              flexGrow: isOpen ? 1 : 0,
              transition: "all 2s ease"
                cursor: "pointer",
                writingMode: isOpen ? "horizontal-tb" : "vertical-rl",
                transition: "all 2s ease"
              onClick={() => setOpenSection(i)}
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>

If you test it, you may encounter a few issues:

  1. When you expand a section, the title does not smoothly transition from vertical to horizontal. It should rotate smoothly.
  2. There is an inconsistency where, at times, when you click on a title, all the cards seem to move closer together.
  3. There is a request to make the grey area clickable, but there is a clear issue when it is opened.

What could be the cause of these problems? Is there a better method to implement a layout like this?

Answer №1

I have successfully resolved all the issues you pointed out.

Problem #1 -> fixed: To prevent text from breaking to the next line at the end of the box, I have applied the white-space: nowrap CSS property. However, please note that using this property may not be ideal for long title text.

Problem #2 -> fixed: I have addressed the issue that occurs when clicking on one item while the action of opening a box is in progress. This was caused by the combination of display: flex and flexGrow: 1. I have set flexGrow: 5 as a solution to prevent this behavior.

Problem #3 -> fixed: I have corrected the placement of the onClick event to be set on the box rather than the text. Additionally, I have added a condition to change the cursor style based on whether the item is selected or not.

Bonus :) I have enhanced the appearance of the rotating box by setting a small width to the wrapper, resulting in a prettier rotation effect.

import { useState } from "react";

const dataset = [
  { name: "A section" },
  { name: "B section" },
  { name: "C section with long title" },
  { name: "D section" },
  { name: "E section" },

function Page() {
  const [openSection, setOpenSection] = useState(1);

  return (
        display: "flex",
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        height: "100vh",
      {dataset.map((datum, i) => {
        const { name } = datum;
        const isOpen = i === openSection;
        return (
            onClick={() => setOpenSection(i)}
              height: "100%",
              backgroundColor: isOpen ? "white" : "lightgray",
              border: `1px solid ${isOpen ? "white" : "black"}`,
              padding: "20px 30px",
              flex: 1,
              flexGrow: isOpen ? 5 : 0,
              transition: "all 1s linear",
              boxSizing: "border-box",
              cursor: openSection !== i ? 'pointer' : 'default',

              "&:first-child": {
                left: 0,

              "&:last-child": {
                right: 0,
                transform: `rotate(${isOpen ? "0" : "90"}deg)`,
                transition: "all 1s linear",
                width: 1,
                whiteSpace: "nowrap",

export default Page;

Answer №2

  1. Transition improvement: Apply the CSS rule white-space:nowrap to maintain text size consistency during size adjustments. Position the title div absolutely to prevent layout disruption during transitions.
  2. Clicking issue: I was unable to replicate the bug. The problem might be due to Codesandbox not updating properly. Try refreshing the output page and testing again, or refer to the modified Codesandbox link below.
  3. Improved clickability: Enhance the gray area's clickability by moving the mouse pointer and click handler to the parent element with an isOpen condition.

Access the modified Codesandbox here:

import { useState } from "react";

const dataset = [
  { name: "A section" },
  { name: "B section" },
  { name: "C section with long title" },
  { name: "D section" },
  { name: "E section" }

export default function App() {
  return <Page />;

function Page({}) {
  const [openSection, setOpenSection] = useState(0);

  return (
        display: "flex",
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        height: "100vh"
      {dataset.map((datum, i) => {
        const { name } = datum;
        const isOpen = i === openSection;

        return (
              height: "100%",
              backgroundColor: isOpen ? "white" : "lightgray",
              border: `1px solid ${isOpen ? "white" : "black"}`,
              flex: 1,
              flexGrow: isOpen ? 1 : 0,
              transition: "all 2s ease",

              //my changes
              padding: 0,
              flexBasis: "1.2rem",
              cursor: !isOpen ? "pointer" : "auto",
              position: "relative"
            onClick={!isOpen ? () => setOpenSection(i) : null}
                transition: "all 2s ease",

                //my changes
                transform: `rotate(${isOpen ? "0" : "90"}deg) 
                translateX(${isOpen ? "0" : "50"}%)`,
                whiteSpace: "nowrap",
                width: isOpen ? "100%" : "1rem",
                position: "absolute",
                top: isOpen ? "1rem" : "0",
                left: isOpen ? "1rem" : "0",
                fontWeight: "bold"

Answer №3

I plan to address your concerns in the same order you raised them.

  1. writing-mode that is currently being used on the titles cannot be animated. Consider trying text rotation instead with the transform property
  2. If you aim to make the entire grey area clickable, it's recommended to relocate both the onClick function and the cursor: "pointer" property to the parent div containing the specific element, in this case, the title.

Answer №4

Enhance your code with clickable grey area and smooth transitions

import { useState } from "react";

const dataset = [
  { name: "Section A" },
  { name: "Section B" },
  { name: "Section C with long title" },
  { name: "Section D" },
  { name: "Section E" }

export default function App() {
  return <Page />;

function Page({}) {
  const [openSection, setOpenSection] = useState(0);

  return (
        display: "flex",
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        height: "100vh"
      {dataset.map((datum, i) => {
        const { name } = datum;
        const isOpen = i === openSection;

        return (
              height: "100%",
              backgroundColor: isOpen ? "white" : "lightgray",
              border: `1px solid ${isOpen ? "white" : "black"}`,
              padding: 10,
              flex: 1,
              flexGrow: isOpen ? 1 : 0,
              cursor: "pointer",
              writingMode: isOpen ? "horizontal-tb" : "vertical-rl",
              transition: "all 2s ease"
               transition: "all 2s ease"
              onClick={() => setOpenSection(i)}

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