Unexpected problem discovered with Firefox and JqueryUI - content is misaligned within the dialog box

I seem to be having an issue with a dialog that I recently set up. I've been working with jqueryUi for quite a while so I'm not sure why I can't figure this out.

When using Firefox, I noticed that the dialog opens and closes when clicking "need help?" on the left hand side, but the content is positioned at the top of the screen and outside the visible area of the dialog according to the inspector.

Visit the page here

Any suggestions or solutions? I'm feeling a bit stuck on this one... unfortunately!

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

It's quite peculiar. I discovered that by inspecting it with Developer Tools, removing the "overflow:hidden" CSS property of the ui-dialog class magically reveals the content. Once done, reapplying the attribute still keeps the content visible.

Although not directly addressing your inquiry, I thought I'd share this observation. Best of luck!

Answer №2

Have you considered hiding the div with the id "dialog-modal" by adding a style of "display:none;"? It seems like when the page initially loads, the content is being displayed at the bottom and is visible. This suggestion may be a long shot, but it's worth trying out.

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