Resizing an image within a div with automatic adjustment, centered and aligned to the bottom position

I'm really struggling to understand this concept and not making much progress. I have a background image that automatically scales to fit the window size. In front of it, I want to center an image fixed to the bottom of the page, while still being scalable. Here is the CSS code I am currently using:

        #guys img{
            position: fixed;

And here is how I am implementing the DIV:

    <div id="guys">
        <img src="img/boys.png" alt="">

The issue is that the image ends up fixed at the bottom of the page and is scalable, but I can never get it centered as well. Any suggestions or thoughts? I would greatly appreciate any help!

Answer №1

If your image is already contained within a div, simply adjust the positioning of the div and set it to margin auto with the same width as your image. This should resolve any display issues you're experiencing.


       #people img{
        position: fixed;


Answer №2

Once you apply a fixed position to an element, the margin auto functionality ceases to work.

Instead, you can try setting the left value of the img to 50% (aligning the center of the page with the left side of the image) and then applying a margin-left of -17.5%, which will center the image on the page.

To see an example, check out my jsfiddle.


#centeredBottom {

    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -17.5%; /* Half of the width */

    position: fixed;
    position: fixed;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 20px;
    background: #00FF00;

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