Flex items refusing to wrap in Firefox

I am facing an issue with my layout setup in different browsers. When I have a list of divs inside a flex div, it displays correctly in Chrome:

However, in Firefox, it only shows a horizontal scroll with one line.

Is there a way to prevent the forced horizontal scroll in Firefox and make it display like it does in Chrome?

    margin: auto;
    width: 97%;
    border: 1px solid #F4F4F4;
    border-radius: 2px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    -webkit-justify-content: space-around;
    -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
    -moz-justify-content: space-around;
    -moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
    -ms-justify-content: space-around;
    -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-around;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    display: -moz-box;
    -moz-box-pack: center;
    -moz-box-align: center;
    height: 395px;
    max-height: 395px;
    overflow-y: scroll;

    list-style: none;
    margin: 0px;
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    zoom: 1;
    -webkit-justify-content: space-around;
    -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
    -moz-justify-content: space-around;
    -moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
    -ms-justify-content: space-around;
    -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-around;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    display: -moz-box;
    -moz-box-pack: center;
    -moz-box-align: end;

Answer №1

Just made a slight adjustment to the CSS code:

display: -webkit-flex;
display: -moz-box;
display: flex;

Changed from

display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
display: -moz-box;

Tested and confirmed working on Firefox 28. You can view the updated code in this JSFiddle link for both Firefox and Chrome.

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