Implementing a JavaScript function that directs to the current page

I have set up my index page with a link that looks like this:

<li onClick="CreateUser()"> <a href="#CreateUser">CreateUser</a>  </li>

When the "Create User" list item is clicked, the main page content is populated as follows:

function CreateUser(){ 
$("#main-content").html('Welcome to user management');

In my index.html file, I have defined the initial main-content text for when a user first visits the page:

<div id="content">
    <div class="outer">
      <div class="inner" id="main-content">

        <div class="col-lg-12">
          <!--the index dashboard body goes here  -->
            index page content

      </div><!-- /.inner -->
    </div><!-- /.outer -->
</div><!-- /#content -->

My goal is to have the content of the CreateUser function displayed when refreshing the page on


So far, I have attempted to achieve this by adding the following code to my index.html page:

<body onLoad="checkRefresh();">

where "check Refresh()" is 

function checkRefresh()
var geturl = window.location.href;
if (geturl === 'http://localhost/example/index.html#CreateUser')
$("#main-content").html('Welcome to user management');

However, this method directs all other pages to this specific content upon refresh. I am seeking guidance on how to accomplish this task successfully.

Answer №1

One approach I suggest is utilizing window.location.hash along with jQuery's ready function

       if(window.location.hash === '#CreateUser')
            $("#main-content").html('Welcome to user management');

Answer №2

Using window.location.hash and a switch case, I successfully implemented functionality to display content based on the clicked tab.

function hash()  
// This function responds to clicks on icons by displaying corresponding content based on the selected tab
switch(window.location.hash) {

 case "#CreateUser":

 case "#EditUser":

 case "#DeleteUser":

 window.location.hash = "";



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