Reactjs Rendering problem with retrieving data from the backend in a popover

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My website design is being done with antd. Right now, I'm facing an issue where I need to display notifications to the user, which are accessed by clicking on the notifications icon located at the top right hand side of the navigation bar.

I used the Popover feature from antd design to render this. When clicked, it should retrieve data from the back end and show it in a dialog box.

The problem is that the popover dialog box is appearing outside of the viewport, causing a horizontal scrollbar to appear. I want the dialog box to display within the viewport without stretching out or creating a scrollbar.

I've tried using the overflow-x: hidden attribute to hide the scrollbar, but then the popover content becomes invisible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The pop-up box is set to be "absolute" and the left position is calculated at 100% minus 40% !important.

Here's a suggestion: Add a CSS rule of right:0 to the "ant-popover" class. This will eliminate the need for horizontal scrolling.

Answer №2

To start, we can create a callback function within the parent component of InfiniteScrollExample:

updateInfiniteScroll = () => {
  this.setState({scrollUpdate: this.state.scrollUpdate + 1})

Next, we'll pass this function as a prop to InfiniteScrollUpdate:

  content={<InfiniteScrollExample />}

Within InfiniteScrollExample, remember to trigger this prop after the backend call is successful and the view is updated. If you're calling the backend in componentDidMount, it might look like this:

componentDidMount() {
  fetch(url).then(res => {
    this.setState({apiResponse:}, this.afterScrollApiSuccess);

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