reduce opacity of specified div background

Objective / Purpose

I am working with multiple div elements and I want to assign two distinct classes to each of them, each serving a different purpose within my application.

One class should determine the level, influencing the color of the div. The other class should indicate distance and adjust the opacity of the background accordingly.

As a result, I envision the div looking like this:

<div class="element level-beginner distance-long">

This configuration would ideally display a green background that is somewhat faded.

I have some knowledge about LESS, although limited, and believe that nested styles could be beneficial in this scenario (as it pertains to applying specific properties based on existing class assignments).

In essence, I aim to manage color and opacity/fade as separate CSS classes that operate independently from one another.


  • Is there a method in LESS that allows a class to control the alpha/fade of a div element's background without explicitly specifying the color?

Answer №1

When using the LESS color opacity functions (fadein, fadeout, fade), it's important to note that they require a color as their first argument. Since LESS does not know how your classes will be combined, it does not have a reference point to obtain the color from.

While CSS does have an opacity property, it affects the transparency of the entire element, including the text within it.

The best approach is to create selectors for each possible combination you plan to use or develop a mixin that can automatically generate them for you:

.themeMatrix(@color) {
    &.styleA {
        background: fade(@color, 50%);

    &.styleB {
        background: fade(@color, 20%);

    &.styleC {
        border: 1px solid @color;

.colorA {

.colorB {

Answer №2

Utilizing only HTML, CSS, and LESS, it is impossible for one class applied to an element to determine the background color of another class in order to fade it out.

Nevertheless, a similar effect can still be achieved by chaining classes together to generate new effects.

The straightforward CSS approach would look like this:

.fire {
  background: rgb(255,0,0)
.fire.level-beginner {
  background: rgba(255,0,0,.5)
.fire.level-pro {
  background: rgba(255,0,0,.25)

With this CSS setup, if an element possesses both the class .fire and .level-beginner, it will display the faded out background.

This is where preprocessors come in handy: mixins can handle creating the nested classes, making it effortless to add a new color (like .water with blue) along with all the nested sub-options in just one line:


.colorfade(@fade) {
  background: fadeout(@color, @fade);

.colorfind (@color) {
  background: @color;
  &.level-beginner {
  &.level-pro {

.fire {

.water {

.earth {


<div class="fire level-beginner"></div>
<div class="water level-pro"></div>
<div class="earth level-beginner"></div>

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