Solving issues with flexboxes in Safari 5.1.7 on Windows

I am currently utilizing flex boxes for managing the layouts of my website. However, it seems that the Safari version for Windows (5.1.7) is outdated and causing all flex boxes to be dysfunctional.

On MacOS systems, the same version 12.x works correctly.

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Or will I always encounter problems with the Windows version of Safari?

Thank you

Answer ā„–1

In a nutshell: You simply don't. To elaborate:

It's been more than 7 years since the Safari Browser for Windows was discontinued in 2012. Apple no longer provides support for it, which means that users will encounter compatibility issues with many websites. Additionally, without updates, security concerns become paramount. Therefore, there is little justification for continuing to accommodate Safari on the Windows platform (although I generally advocate for inclusivity across older browsers).

Answer ā„–2

Have you ever faced browser-specific CSS issues? If so, consider using autoprefixer during the build process to solve them effortlessly.

Give it a go by visiting this link.

Alternatively, you can input your code and get the output instantly by clicking on:

this website

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