I am currently managing a large table of "auditpoints", some of which are designated as "automated". When an auditpoint is automated, it is marked with a gear icon in the row. However, each row also receives two other icons: a pencil and a toggle button. When an automated point is running, the gear icon rotates until the process is complete. I have written some code to run all these points simultaneously, but I encountered a small issue. Clicking the button to run all points causes all three icons (gear, pencil, toggle) to rotate, which is not the desired outcome. Commenting out a specific line in the code snippet prevents this from happening, although this line is necessary for the proper execution of automated points individually. I am unsure about what to change in that line, as it should not involve clicking since the automation process does not require user interaction. The classes in that click function are associated with the gear icon.
I hope this question is straightforward and does not waste anyone's time. Thank you!
private updateAuto() {
var self = this;
$(".auditPointRow").each(function () {
//self.el.on("click", ".update, .edit", function () {
var row = $(this).closest(".auditPointRow");
var id = row.data("id");
var automated = (<string>row.data("automated")).toLowerCase() == "true";
var running = true;
if (automated && $(this).closest(".edit").length == 0) {
var gear = $(this).find(".fa");
var maxTurns = 120;
gear.css("transition", "transform linear " + maxTurns * 2 + "s");
gear.css("transform", "rotate(" + (maxTurns * 360) + "deg)");
var request = $.ajax(self.root + "api/sites/" + self.site.ID + "/auditpoints/" + id, {
"type": "PATCH", data: JSON.stringify([
Op: "Replace"
, Path: "/score"
, Value: "run"
request.done(function () {
gear.css("transition", "").css("transform", "rotate(0deg)");
row.prev().find("td").css("background-color", "");
if (row.prev().qtip("api")) {