Implementing jQuery stylesheet using a bookmarklet

Here's a question that may seem silly, but I'm looking to quickly apply CSS styles to a webpage by clicking on a bookmarklet. It will definitely save me time :)

For example, this code does the trick:

javascript:void( jQuery( ".fancybox-overlay-fixed").css("background-color","black" ) );

However, why doesn't this code work? It gives me an error due to the ";" before the second jQuery function.

javascript:void( jQuery( ".fancybox-overlay-fixed").css("background-color","black" ); jQuery( ".fancybox-close").css({ "display":"none"}); );

Any suggestions on how to modify it to apply styles to multiple elements? Thank you!

Answer №1

Changing ';' to ',' is functioning correctly after testing. I trust this will be beneficial for you.

javascript:void(  jQuery(".fancybox-overlay-fixed").css("background-color", "black"), jQuery(".fancybox-close").css({"display": "none"}) );

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