Styling with CSS Variables and Transforming Elements

After conducting thorough research both on this platform and via Google, I have yet to find a solution to my query: "how can CSS variables be utilized in a CSS transform?"

Within the HTML header, three CSS variables and their fallback values are declared:

              :root {
                     --AHItop      : -260px;
                     --AHIleft     :   90px;
                     --AHIRotation :  10deg;

The actual CSS code is as follows:

        position        : absolute;
        top             : var(--AHItop);
        left            : var(--AHIleft);                   
        width           :  250px;
        height          :  540px;
        z-index         :    3;

Within the Body of the HTML, a DIV element is created:

    <div style = "position: absolute; 
         left    : 0; 
         top     : 0;
         overflow: hidden;">

An image is then inserted into the DIV (followed by closing the DIV and body):

            src     = "gaugesAHI.png"               
            class   = "AHI"         

Contained within the Script tags is a snippet of code that utilizes the CSS variables:

    var pitch = 10;
    const elementAHI = document.querySelector('.AHI');'--AHItop',    pitch * 5.7 - 10);

This results in the desired outcome. However, the main issue arises when attempting to implement a 'rotate' transform within the CSS, using:

transform       : rotate(var(--AHIrotate));

In the CSS and:'--AHIrotate', pitch);

within the script. Various attempts were made using both IE and Chrome without success.

While not an expert in Javascript, I usually enjoy the challenge of problem-solving on my own. Yet, in this instance, I humbly seek assistance - any guidance provided will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Answer №1

To address the issue at hand, an effective approach is to incorporate variables into the CSS and analyze their impact.

Initially, the variables are set as follows:

:root {
  --AHItop: -260px;
  --AHIleft: 90px;
  --AHIRotation: 10deg;

Consequently, the CSS translates to:

.AHI {
  position: absolute;
  top: -260px;
  left: 90px;
  width: 250px;
  height: 540px;
  z-index: 3;
  transform: rotate(10deg);

This configuration appears appropriate and functions correctly. Let's now explore the behavior of your JavaScript code.

var pitch = 10;
const elementAHI = document.querySelector('.AHI');'--AHItop', pitch * 5.7 - 10);'--AHIrotate', pitch);

The first two lines require no further analysis while the last two necessitate some calculation.

--AHItop = pitch * 5.7 - 10
--AHItop = 10 * 5.7 - 10
--AHItop = 57 - 10
--AHItop = 47

The subsequent line presents a simpler scenario:

--AHIrotate = pitch
--AHIrotate = 10

Upon substituting the updated variables back into the CSS, we obtain the following result:

.AHI {
  position: absolute;
  top: 47;
  left: 90px;
  width: 250px;
  height: 540px;
  z-index: 3;
  transform: rotate(10);

Here lies the problem—our units have been lost. --AHItop necessitates px, while --AHIrotat requires deg. This discrepancy can be easily rectified in the JavaScript code.'--AHItop', (pitch * 5.7 - 10)+'px');'--AHIrotate', pitch+'deg');

By implementing these modifications, it seems that the CSS should be able to function as intended.

I trust that this explanation clarifies the situation 🙂

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