Unusual SVG Cubic Bezier Animation Transforming Curves into Points and Lines

As a beginner in SVG CSS animation, I am currently working on morphing three curved paths into three rectangles using cubic bezier routes. While I have managed to make it work, there is an issue during the transition where parts of it skew inward in a strange manner (refer to the CodePen provided below). The top right, middle, and bottom left transitions appear as expected but the top left and bottom right transitions are not behaving as anticipated. Is there a way to adjust the curves to prevent this effect from occurring, or is it just a side effect of the chosen method? If so, is there a more effective approach that can be used to achieve a smoother transition?

svg {
  height: 150px;
  cursor: pointer;

svg path {
  transition: d 1s ease;

svg:hover .top {
  d: path('M 1280,256 C 2560,256 2560,256 2560,256 C 2560,768 2560,768 2560,768 C 1280,768 1280,768 1280,768 C 0,768 0,768 0,768 C 0,256 0,256 0,256 C 1280,256 1280,256 1280,256');

svg:hover .middle {
  d: path('M 1280,1024 C 2560,1024 2560,1024 2560,1024 C 2560,1280 2560,1280 2560,1280 C 2560,1536 2560,1536 2560,1536 C 1280,1536 1280,1536 1280,1536 C 0,1536 0,1536 0,1536 C 0,1280 0,1280 0,1280 C 0,1024 0,1024 0,1024 C 1280,1024 1280,1024 1280,1024');

svg:hover .bottom {
  d: path('M 1280,1792 C 2560,1792 2560,1792 2560,1792 C 2560,2304 2560,2304 2560,2304 C 1280,2304 1280,2304 1280,2304 C 0,2304 0,2304 0,2304 C 0,1792 0,1792 0,1792 C 1280,1792 1280,1792 1280,1792');
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <svg viewBox="0 0 2560 2560">
      <path class="top" d="
        M 1280,0
        C 1986.92447978368,0 2489.165,505 2553.665,1152
        C 2553.665,1152 2041.665,1152 2041.665,1152
        C 1976.434,789.00439808 1704.154687870208,512 1280,512
        C 855.8453121297921,512 583.566,789.00439808 518.335,1152
        C 518.335,1152 6.335,1152 6.335,1152
        C 70.835,505 573.07552021632,0 1280,0
      " />
      <path class="middle" d="
        M 1280,768
        C 1562.769791913472,768 1792,997.230208086528 1792,1280
        C 1792,1280 1792,1280 1792,1280
        C 1792,1562.769791913472 1562.769791913472,1792 1280,1792
        C 1280,1792 1280,1792 1280,1792
        C 997.230208086528,1792 768,1562.769791913472 768,1280
        C 768,1280 768,1280 768,1280
        C 768,997.230208086528 997.230208086528,768 1280,768
        C 1280,768 1280,768 1280,768
      " />
      <path class="bottom" d="
        M 1280,2048
        C 1704.154687870208,2048 1976.434,1770.99560192 2041.665,1408
        C 2041.665,1408 2553.665,1408 2553.665,1408
        C 2489.165,2055 1986.92447978368,2560 1280,2560
        C 573.07552021632,2560 70.835,2055 6.335,1408
        C 6.335,1408 518.335,1408 518.335,1408
        C 583.566,1770.99560192 855.8453121297921,2048 1280,2048
      " />

CodePen (Tested in Chrome.)

Answer №1

It seems that the shape's appearance is influenced by a combination of factors:

  1. The curvature of the shape
  2. The type of linear interpolation used
  3. Your choice in creating straight lines with bezier curves, particularly the control points

In this case, both control points were set to match the curve endpoint.

C    ...      ...   1280,256 
C 2560,256 2560,256 2560,256

Due to the linear interpolation, some parts of the curves bulge outwards while others bulge inwards, depending on the path direction and your position relative to the curve.

A more effective approach would be to adjust the placement of the control points:

  1. Position the control points at the 1/3 and 2/3 markers of the line
  2. Use one control point at each end of the curve

In the example below, I opted for the second method for better results.

C    ...      ...   1280,256 
C 1280,256 2560,256 2560,256

svg {
  height: 150px;
  cursor: pointer;

svg path {
  transition: d 1s ease;

svg:hover .top {
  d: path('M 1280,256 C 1280,256 2560,256 2560,256 C 2560,256 2560,768 2560,768 C 2560,768 1280,768 1280,768 C 1280,768 0,768 0,768 C 0,768 0,256 0,256 C 0,256 1280,256 1280,256');
<svg viewBox="0 0 2560 2560">
  <path class="top" d="
        M 1280,0
        C 1986.92447978368,0 2489.165,505 2553.665,1152
        C 2553.665,1152 2041.665,1152 2041.665,1152
        C 1976.434,789.00439808 1704.154687870208,512 1280,512
        C 855.8453121297921,512 583.566,789.00439808 518.335,1152
        C 518.335,1152 6.335,1152 6.335,1152
        C 70.835,505 573.07552021632,0 1280,0
      " />

Please note that CSS animation of the d attribute may not be fully supported across all browsers, currently limited to Webkit-based browsers like Chrome.

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