Using jQuery to add or remove multiple classes at once

My navigation tabs use jQuery to add and remove classes for the active tab. However, I'm facing an issue where the active class is not removed when a new tab is clicked or when the user scrolls to a new section. Please refer to the following gist for more information:

.active-break {
  background-color: #6390C6 !important;

.active-why {
  background-color: #6E8F82 !important;

.active-test {
  background-color: #E77C22 !important;

.active-deep {
  background-color: #466EA5 !important;
<ul class="pagination">
  <!-- <li>
    <a class="nav" href="#intro" class="nav-intro">
    </li> -->
    <a id="one" class="nav nav-break" href="#breaking-away">Breaking Away</a>
    <a id="two" class="nav nav-why" href="#why-right-now">Why Right OnCourse</a>
    <a id="three" class="nav nav-test" href="#testimonials">Testimonials</a>
    <a id="four" class="nav nav-deep" href="#deep-dive">Deep Dive</a>
    <a id="five" class="nav nav-resources" href="#resources">Resources</a>

 * Scrollify
        section: ".scrollify-section",
        interstitialSection : ".leaf .contact .footer",
        setHeights: false,
        touchScroll: false,

        before:function(i,panels) {
          var ref = panels[i].attr("data-section-name");

          $(".pagination .active").removeClass("active");

          $(".pagination").find("a[href=\"#" + ref + "\"]").addClass("active");

          var ref = panels[i].attr("data-section-name");

          if(ref==="breaking-away") {
            $(".breaking-away .carousel-box-shadow").addClass("animate");
          if(ref==="intro") {
            $(".breaking-away .carousel-box-shadow").removeClass("animate");
          if(ref==="testimonials") {
            $(".breaking-away .carousel-box-shadow").removeClass("animate");

        afterRender:function() {
          var pagination = "<ul class=\"pagination\">";
          var activeClass = "";
          $(".panel").each(function(i) {
            activeClass = "";
            if(i===0) {
              activeClass = "active";
            pagination += "<li><a class=\"" + activeClass + "\" href=\"#" + $(this).attr("data-section-name") + "\"><span class=\"hover-text\">" + $(this).attr("data-section-name").charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $(this).attr("data-section-name").slice(1) + "</span></a></li>";

          pagination += "</ul>";


/* Color active tab */

var selectorOne = '#one';

$(selectorOne).on('click', function(){

var selectorTwo = '#two';

$(selectorTwo).on('click', function(){

var selectorThree = '#three';

$(selectorThree).on('click', function(){

var selectorFour = '#four';

$(selectorFour).on('click', function(){

Answer №1

The crucial piece of Javascript code is the last block. It is important to remove all classes from all items before adding the active class to the clicked item. This process must be done regardless of which item was clicked. The following solution should meet your needs:

$('#one').on('click', function(){
    $('.pagination a').removeClass();

$('#two').on('click', function(){
    $('.pagination a').removeClass();

$('#three').on('click', function(){
    $('.pagination a').removeClass();

$('#four').on('click', function(){
    $('.pagination a').removeClass();

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