Setting up web pack with flag-icon-css integration

I have successfully set up a webpack project using Now, I am looking to integrate into my project. To do so, I followed these steps:

npm install flag-icon-css --save

This created dev dependencies in my package.json file:

"dependencies": {
    "flag-icon-css": "^3.3.0"

In my index.html file, I added the following code:

<h1> Samples </h1>
<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-gr"></span>
<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-gr flag-icon-squared"></span>

However, only the text Samples is visible, while the other two icons are not appearing. Are there additional settings required for the icons to display?

Answer №1

The problem was resolved by including the following code snippet in the app.js file:

import 'flag-icon-css/css/flag-icon.css'

Answer №2

Within your nuxt.config.js document, you have the ability to specify the CSS file directly:

  css: [
    // .... additional css files

Answer №3

Similar situation like @Madasu-k, (my particular issue is with laravel), when I inserted this code into app.scss (as recommended by some documentation I'm following):

// Flag Icon CSS
@import '~flag-icon-css/sass/flag-icon';

I realized that the Laravel mix was failing because it was looking for the file flag-icon.scss.

Upon checking in the "node_modules" folder, I found that the actual file is named flag-icon with an 's' at the end.

Therefore, the correct update should be:

// Flag Icon CSS
@import '~flag-icon-css/sass/flag-icons';

Running the Laravel mix / loading webpack resolved my problem.

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