Find the elements of <a> tags specifically without the attribute href

Currently, I am extracting the class of all <a> elements in an HTML document of a webpage using from a WinForm:

  Dim htmlLinks As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
  For Each link As HtmlElement In htmlLinks

For illustration, here is a snippet from the HTML document :

<a href=​"/​test.php" class=​"nav">Item1</a> 
<a class=​"link-download" href=​"http:​/​/​​media/​26.mp4">​​MP4 File</a>​

The VB code provided above only captures the Class attribute of the first a element with href, missing out on the second instance where class appears before href.

 <a class=​"link-download" href=​"http:​/​/​​media/​26.mp4">​​MP4 File</a>​

This implies that the current VB code only returns the class name as nav.

Does this explanation clarify the issue at hand?

I seek guidance on how to retrieve the attributes of all the <a> elements mentioned earlier.

Can anyone provide insights on achieving this?

Answer №1

After creating a test HTML page with the text you provided, I ran the VB code and it executed successfully on my end. The collection contained two elements, but upon closer inspection, I noticed some random characters embedded within them. Enabling hidden characters revealed the issue, and removing them resolved the problem entirely.

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