I was able to efficiently reverse the transition using JavaScript, but I'm puzzled as to why my alternate approach is not functioning correctly

  • Check out my demo on jsfiddle
  • I am trying to implement a reverse transition when clicking the <li> again. The commented code did not work, but the code below worked perfectly:
let dbclickre = true;
function flipped() {
    if (dbclickre) {
        document.querySelector(".linkrec").setAttribute("Id", "flipped");
    } else {
        document.querySelector(".linkrec").removeAttribute("Id", "flipped")
    dbclickre = !dbclickre;
  • Here is the commented code (I expected the if statement to execute on first click and the else statement on second click, but it didn't - despite setting
    #flipped .reverse {background: whitesmoke}
    ). Can anyone explain why this is happening?
// const dbclickre = document.querySelector(".reverse");
// function flipped() {
//     if (dbclickre.style.backgroundColor = 'white') {
//         document.querySelector(".linkrec").setAttribute("Id", "flipped");
//     } else {
//         document.querySelector(".linkrec").removeAttribute("Id", "flipped")
//     }
// }

Answer №1

Instead of using background color to determine the flip state, consider checking for the presence of the Id attribute. Here is the updated code:

const dbclickre = document.querySelector(".reverse");
function flipped() {
    if ( document.querySelector(".linkrec").getAttribute("Id") == undefined ) {
        document.querySelector(".linkrec").setAttribute("Id", "flipped");
    } else {
        document.querySelector(".linkrec").removeAttribute("Id", "flipped")


Why wouldn't element.style work?

According to information on MDN Web Docs:

The style property is used for accessing and setting the inline style of an element.

Therefore, the style property will not function with external or embedded CSS styles.

Additionally, it is not recommended to rely on hard-coded colors as conditions, as any changes in the corresponding CSS classes could result in complete functionality failure.

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