Adaptable triple-column design

After completing the layout of my website, everything seems to be functioning well. However, I would like to ensure that I haven't overcomplicated it or used poor techniques.

The structure involves a main DIV with a nested table DIV, inside of which there are three table-cells as sub-divs.

<div id="container-main">
    <div id="columns-3">
        <div class="main-col-left-s"></div>
        <div class="main-col-center-s"></div>
        <div class="main-col-right-s"></div>

Each column contains different elements, resembling a layout similar to Pinterest's website.

When the screen size is reduced, I want only two columns to display initially, and eventually just one. While the transition from 3 to 1 column happens automatically, I faced challenges when going from 3 to 2 columns. To address this, I utilized the CSS property display: none on the middle column when the screen becomes too small, ensuring it is not visible. Additionally, I assumed that data will be transferred to the visible column if the current one is hidden.

Is this solution considered effective, or are there better alternatives?

I aim to avoid situations where one row displays 2 columns while the next only shows 1, as illustrated below:

ǀdataǀ    ǀ
ǀdataǀ    ǀ

Instead, the layout should always adhere to the following pattern:


Answer №1

Thank you for elaborating on your query. Essentially, a solution using only CSS is both feasible and advisable. This can be easily accomplished with CSS3 and the innovative Flexible Box Model, although uniform browser support is lacking across major browsers. Therefore, to ensure compatibility with all major browsers, I recommend adhering to the Traditional Box Model, which forms the basis of my response.

The approach is quite simple:

  • One main block div acting as the container element
  • Multiple inner divs (within the container div) displayed as inline-block elements representing "table cells"

The HTML structure would resemble the following:

<div class="container">
    <div class="box"></div>
    <div class="box"></div>

This structure would then be styled as follows...

    margin:20px 0 0 2.5%;

These styles will present 3 boxes aligned horizontally in a responsive manner on one row. The font-size:0 declaration serves as a workaround for the inline-block font spacing issue; further insights can be found by conducting a quick search online.

To adjust the display to show only 2 boxes per row when the screen width is restricted, media queries can be employed, as demonstrated below...

@media all and (max-width:950px){{
       margin:20px 0 0 2%;

The max-width constraint can naturally be modified to suit specific requirements. Lastly, a visual representation has been constructed in the fiddler snippet provided below...

/* Additional CSS code continued... */
<div class="container">
    <div class="box">1</div>
    <div class="box">2</div>
    /* More box elements displayed here */

Note the intentional height adjustment made to box 8 in the example above.

Answer №2

To make your website responsive, utilize media queries. Implement code similar to the following in your css stylesheet:

.main-col-left-s, .main-col-center-s, .main-col-right-s {
  width: 100%;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .main-col-left-s, .main-col-center-s, .main-col-right-s {
    width: 50%;

@media (min-width: 960px) {
  .main-col-left-s, .main-col-center-s, .main-col-right-s {
    width: 33.33%;

Answer №3

If you utilize the float: left attribute in CSS for your table cells, it will achieve the desired effect.

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