Guide to align elements (cards) side by side in a row within a container element (div)

I have a question that bears resemblance to another one found on this site.

I decided to create my own version of the Material UI Card example from You can view and edit my version on the sandbox editor by clicking here.

Essentially, I am trying to arrange Material UI cards horizontally in a single row within a parent container. If the cards don't fit in this row, they should automatically form a new row below.

When I use the following code:

    <div className="row">
      <Demo /> <Demo />

I anticipate seeing the two cards displayed side by side.

Even after adding styles using display: "inline-block", the cards still stack vertically as shown in the snippet below:

const styles = {
  card: {
    minWidth: 275,
    display: "inline-block"

Answer №1

Some adjustments are required

1) The parent div should also be set to display inline-block to allow for side by side alignment

2) Ensure white-space is set to nowrap to prevent elements from wrapping to the next line. Even though divs are inline-block, they may wrap if their width exceeds the container. Setting white-space parameter will prevent this.

Visit this link for a live example

Answer №2

Consider including the following code snippet:

const styles = {
  card: {
    minWidth: 275,
    float: "left",
    marginRight: 10 // or something

The issue here is that the element wraps its content in a div by default, which has a display property of block. This is why using display: inline-block won't work as expected on the Demo component.

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