Error in JavaScript: Uncaught TypeError - Unable to access the "left" property of an undefined object

This error is really frustrating and I've come across several inquiries regarding this console issue. It's not providing enough information in the chrome console for me to effectively troubleshoot.

     * Adjustment of dropdown menu position
    loc.dropMenuPositioning = function (){
        var dropMenu = $('.js-dropdown-item-wrap');
        var mainNavigationOffset = $('.js-nav-container > ul').offset();
        var mainNavigationPosition = mainNavigationOffset.left;
        dropMenu.css({'left' : mainNavigationPosition - 60});

Unfortunately, I don't have much more to work with on this problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

You are currently viewing the left property from an object retrieved in the preceding row. The line causing trouble is:

var mainNavigationPosition = mainNavigationOffset.left;

The issue stems from mainNavigationOffset being undefined.

This problem arises because mainNavigationOffset is defined as:

var mainNavigationOffset = $('.js-nav-container > ul').offset();

It is plausible that jQuery could not obtain the offset of the element $('.js-nav-container > ul').

According to jQuery's documentation:

Note: jQuery does not provide support for retrieving the offset coordinates of hidden elements or taking into account borders, margins, or padding applied to the body element.

While obtaining the coordinates of elements with visibility:hidden set is achievable, those with display:none are excluded from the rendering tree and thus have an undefined position.

Verify if the element is actually visible.

Another possibility (which appears to be the case) is that the jQuery expression:

$('.js-nav-container > ul')

is not returning any element.

To check if the element is visible, you can utilize the Chrome DevTools:

display should not be equal to none

visibility must be equal to visible

Alternatively, you can directly run the following commands in the console:

$('.js-nav-container > ul').css("display");
$('.js-nav-container > ul').css("visibility");

Answer №2

Check out this resource for more information on positioning elements with jQuery: jQuery doc

dropMenu.offset({ left: mainNavigationPosition - 60 });

If that doesn't work, you may want to consider changing the position to either absolute or relative:


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