The ul element does not encompass all child elements in terms of size

I have been working on creating a tabbed navigation component using HTML, and my code looks like this:

<ul class="nav">
    <li class="selected">Selected Tab</li>
    <li><a href="#">Not-selected Tab</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Not-selected Tab</a></li>

You can view a simplified version of what I've created here.

My inquiry is: why is the ul element not expanding to accommodate all the li elements? It appears unaffected by any borders or padding applied to the li elements.

Answer №1

Try this instead:

.nav li {
    display: inline-block;

You can see a Demo of how it looks.

Avoid using inline for block elements, as it won't create the necessary box structure to push the bottom of the <ul> element.

Also, steer clear of using top: 9px as it will move the <li> element outside the bounds of the <ul> container.

Answer №2

Issue arises from the padding being applied to the li elements while they are still inline. Moreover, the use of top: 8px only adds to the complexity. There are a couple of solutions available. Option 1: Change the display property of the li to inline-block and remove top: 8px, OR Option 2: Float the li elements (with a clearfix on the ul). Hopefully, this clarifies things.

See demo for option 1

Check out demo for option 2

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