When it comes to adjusting the height of an element, there are two ways to go about it: using $(element).height

function adjustHeight(){
            var headerHeight=$(element).find('.header').outerHeight();
            var temp=$(window).height()-headerHeight;

Make sure to call the adjustHeight function initially and on window resize events.

The height of the .users element is consistently 30 pixels more than the value stored in the temp variable.


Everything is working as intended.

<div class="mainPage" data-bind="visible:mode() === 'authenticated',handleHeightOfElements:''">
    <div class="header">
            This is header text
    <div class="mainBody">
        <div class="users">

            All users:
            <div data-bind="foreach:userList">
                <div class="user">
                    <span data-bind="text:$data.userName,css:{onlineUser:$data.online()}">

float: left;
width: 140px;
background: antiquewhite;
padding: 15px;

Answer №1

At first glance, it seems like .css("height") and .height() are essentially the same.

However, when you use $('.users').height(temp) with temp, you are calculating the result of subtracting $(window).height() from ('.header').outerHeight()

.outerHeight() takes into account padding, margin, and border of the element, unlike .css("height") or .height().

It's possible that your 30px offset is due to margin/padding/border.
This aligns with your recent addition of padding: 15px; for .users.

Check out this visual representation of your calculation error:


The shaded areas are not factored into your calculation.

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