What is the best way to trigger card opening - through clicking or hovering?

Once the Set tag/status button on the left is clicked, I aim to display a card similar to this one on the right side.

What would be the best approach to achieve this in React? Should I use regular CSS, Material UI, or React-bootstrap?


Answer №1

It's an interesting question, but the answer really depends on your time availability and level of determination.

I will provide some solutions related to what you are asking.

Standard CSS To implement hide/show logic using CSS and JS tricks, you will need to use Javascript for support. It may be more challenging as there is no set pattern unless you create your own or use existing ones. However, it can be a great opportunity to practice Vanilla JS and enhance your CSS skills.

Material UI If you prefer robust components for customization and style patterns, Material UI is a good option. While there may be a learning curve, once you get the hang of it, using its components and customization features becomes easier. One tip when using Material UI is to utilize its theme override functionality with styled-components rather than solely relying on CSS for customizing components. Following the documentation and utilizing props will make your code more scalable.

react-bootstrap If you are familiar with bootstrap in HTML, CSS, and JS, I recommend using react-bootstrap for faster development. However, if you are new to both frameworks, opting for Material UI might be a better choice. The reason being that learning Material UI along with React can offer more advantages as its components are versatile and often solve common problems efficiently.

Conclusion These are my thoughts on the options provided. Personally, I find Material UI impressive with its easy-to-understand components and flexibility for customization through props and classes. The library also offers integrations and tools for creating style guides using override patterns. If you haven't already tried it, I suggest giving Material UI a chance.

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