dynamic webpage resizing using html and css

Looking for a way to make my SharePoint window automatically resize when the user changes their browser size. I'm using the web version of SharePoint at work and don't have access to Designer.

<style type="text/css">

#dgwrap {
    HEIGHT: 1000px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(PublishingImages/graybk.png); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-y; MARGIN-TOP: 75px; WIDTH: 1325px
.dgtopbox {
    FONT-SIZE: 9pt; HEIGHT: 200px; FLOAT: left; TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN-LEFT: 350px; MARGIN-TOP: 110px; WIDTH: 700px
#dgtopboxleft {
    HEIGHT: 50px; FLOAT: left; MARGIN-LEFT: 350px; MARGIN-TOP: 25px; WIDTH: 200px
#dgtopboxright {
    HEIGHT: 50px; FLOAT: right; MARGIN-TOP: 25px; WIDTH: 200px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 300px
#dgtopboxother {
    FLOAT: left; MARGIN-RIGHT: 25px
#otherbutton {
    HEIGHT: 35px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(PublishingImages/otherbutton.png); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; MARGIN-TOP: 70px; DISPLAY: block; WIDTH: 160px
#clmbutton {
    BORDER-TOP: #838b8b 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 40px; BORDER-RIGHT: #838b8b 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(PublishingImages/CLMbutton.png); BORDER-BOTTOM: #838b8b 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #838b8b 1pt solid; DISPLAY: block
#clmbutton:hover {
    BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/Operations/ProviderOperations/SpecialOps/PublishingImages/CLMbutton2.png)
#confbutton {
    BORDER-TOP: #838b8b 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 40px; BORDER-RIGHT: #838b8b 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/PublishingImages/CONFbutton.png); BORDER-BOTTOM: #838b8b 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #838b8b 1pt solid; DISPLAY: block
#confbutton:hover {
    BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/PublishingImages/CONFbutton2.png)

<div id="dgwrap">
<div id="dgtopboxleft"><a title="1box" id="CLMbutton" href="####.html"></a></div>
<div id="dgtopboxright"><a title="2box" id="CONFbutton" href="####.html"></a></div>
<div id="dgtopboxother"><a title="3box" id="otherbutton" href="####.html"></a></div>

<div class="dgtopbox">
<h3>Request Policy</h3>
<p style="text-align: left">1.text here.</p>
<p style="text-align: left">2.text.</p>


Answer №1

For optimal responsiveness on your webpage, consider utilizing percentages for all values, implementing max-width and max-height over traditional height and width settings, and minimizing the use of Display:Block whenever feasible. Best regards, Arjun

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