Adjusting the tab size and space size to their default settings within VSCode

I'm currently facing an issue with my VSCode setup. I am trying to configure the space size to be equal to 1 and tab size to be equal to 2 as the default for every project. However, despite my efforts, it keeps reverting back to spaces: 4 for each new project. Interestingly, when I manually set the spaces to 2 and run a Beautify file, everything appears correctly with a space size of 2. But as soon as I save the file, it automatically formats it back to an indent size of 4. How can I make sure that the default is always equal to 2?

Even after making changes in User settings,

Answer №1

VSCode typically attempts to detect the indentation settings for a file on its own. To override this behavior, you can manually set editor.detectIndentation to false.

// By disabling auto detection, you can specify your preferred tab size and whether to use spaces or tabs.
  "editor.detectIndentation": false,

Answer №2

Looking to establish project-wide formatting options? Check out EditorConfig, a convenient standard that can help: .

If you're using VSCode, there's an extension available that supports EditorConfig:

While this may not directly address your specific question, utilizing EditorConfig can still be beneficial for maintaining consistent formatting across different editors. Simply download the plug-in for each editor you use and keep your standards intact.

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