Styling applied exclusively to the field for mobile devices

As I work on creating a navigation bar using Bulma and Vue.js, I encounter an issue with the dropdown menu behavior. When the navbar collapses into the hamburger menu, the dropdown list remains in display: block; mode. To address this, I attempted a workaround that unfortunately applies the same style to all screen sizes.

To solve this problem, I experimented with binding styles directly in the template:

<div class="navbar-dropdown" :style="@media screen and (max-width: 900px){display: this.displayBlockAcad}">

This attempt resulted in an error message:

invalid expression: Invalid or unexpected token in

@media screen and (max-width: 900px){display: this.displayBlockAcad}

I created a jsfiddle demo for illustration purposes. If you remove

@media screen and (max-width: 900px)
from line 26, the jsfiddle will run without errors, but the is-hoverable class in line 22 will stop working. Is there a way to make the dropdown hoverable on desktop screens while maintaining custom styling for media screens?

Answer №1

You must remember that when binding styles in Vue.js, you should pass an object and not a string. Using :style as a binding attribute is invalid. If you want to define a @media expression, make sure to include it within a style tag or in a CSS file. Create a unique class and assign it to your element.

v-bind:style="{key:property}" // object passing

Check out this link for more information on how to bind styles in vue.js:

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