Storing the value of the current vertical scroll position in a variable using jQuery

I'm currently dealing with a challenge that involves using the value of (window).scrollTop() as a crucial variable in my project. What I aim to accomplish is to retrieve and utilize the specific scroll value at a particular moment within an if statement, then maintain that value globally for future event handling. To achieve this, I need to capture and fix the initial value returned from the scroll function, without any subsequent changes due to further scrolling activities. My approach involves implementing setInterval() to continuously monitor and capture the desired point. Below is a simplified segment of the code I'm working on:

var $windowend;

var $elone = $('.element-one');
var $eltwo = $('.element-two');


    var $left = $elone.css('left');

    if ($left >= 500) {

    // store scroll value here 
    $windowend = $(window).scrollTop();

}, 100);


        'left': $(window).scrollTop()

    // utilize stored value here
        'left': $windowend


The scenario unfolds when the position of the first element reaches or surpasses 500px, prompting me to record the current scrollTop value for tracking the window's scrolling progress. It's pivotal for me to retain the initial value for accurate referencing, even if the scroll position fluctuates post-initial recording.

I trust this explanation conveys the essence of my request. Appreciate your assistance!

Answer №1

Update to this:

var $window = "auto";

var $elementOne = $('.element-one');
var $elementTwo = $('.element-two');


    var $leftPosition = $elementOne.css('left');

    if ($leftPosition >= 500 && $window =="auto") {

        // insert a number here 
        $window = $(window).scrollTop() + "px";

}, 100);


        'left': $(window).scrollTop()

    // use the inserted number here
        'left': $window


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