The appearance of an SVG image inside an absolutely positioned div varies between Firefox and Chrome

The web page I am working on can be found at the following link:

This webpage consists of text and SVG images, with the hex bolts positioned over specific areas of the text. Achieving this effect requires absolute positioning within a relatively positioned container.

To view the HTML and CSS code used for this, you can refer to the codepen available here:

Here is a snippet of the associated HTML:

 <!-- HTML Snippet Here -->

and below is a sample of the CSS:

 /* CSS Snippet Here */

While the design appears as expected in Chrome, there are discrepancies when viewing it in Firefox. The positioning of the hex bolts on the right side (the "Y") seems off in Firefox, especially after inspecting it using dev tools. Refreshing the page doesn't always resolve this issue, which leads me to believe it could be related to the flexbox layout being used.

Despite both browsers adhering to similar specifications, there seems to be a difference in how they interpret certain elements of the layout. This has raised questions about the clarity of the specifications regarding flexible box models across different browsers.

Answer №1

This solution resolves the problem, however, you must adjust the initial letter

.textmark .textmark-text {
    display: inline;

Answer №2

To easily center it, you can use this CSS code:

.centered {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

This will result in a cleaner and simpler structure like this:

<body class="frontmatter index">
   <div class="centered">
         <div class="lockup">
            <img class="lockup-logo logo-medium" src="../../dist/assets/logos/Logo.svg">
            <div class="textmark textmark-medium">
                <div id="hex-bolt-f-top">
                    <img src="../../dist/assets/misc/Hex Bolt.svg">
                <div id="hex-bolt-f-bottom">
                    <img src="../../dist/assets/misc/Hex Bolt.svg">
                <div id="hex-bolt-y-middle">
                    <img src="../../dist/assets/misc/Hex Bolt.svg">
                <div id="hex-bolt-y-bottom">
                    <img src="../../dist/assets/misc/Hex Bolt.svg">
                <div class="textmark-text">Foamfactor<span class="last-letter">y</span></div>
                <div class="empty"></div>
        <h2>An elegant brewery management system for a more civilized age</h2>



Using Flexbox may be unnecessary for this particular case.

Answer №3

Have you checked out this website yet?

By scanning your website there, the tool will point out areas where improvements can be made to your web structure. It's possible that missing attributes and tags are causing errors in your website structure without you even realizing it. Take some time to visit the website and address any issues that may be present in order to improve the overall quality of your website.

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