CSS background: seeking a fresh background for the rest of my pages

When I use CSS background: url(stuffhere.jpeg) for the background, it remains unchanged when clicking on other videos categorized as "projects," not pages.

I have attempted using <body id="home"> and <body id="projects">, creating two backgrounds for #home and #projects separately, but unfortunately the projects section does not display the correct background...

Afterward, I tried using <div id="projects">; however, divs are not able to alter the entire background since it's not a standalone page.

Could someone please take a look at this issue and provide feedback? Visit www.montagemd.com, click on one of the videos, and observe how the grey background needs to cover the entire screen or override what is set in #home.

Answer №1

To achieve a gray background that fills the entire viewport, follow these steps:

  1. Set the div's width to 100% and min-height to 100% (min-height allows it to expand if its content exceeds the window height).

  2. Ensure that the div's parent is the <body> with a defined height of 100%. Percentage heights only work when the element's parent also has a set height.

The code will resemble this structure:

    <div id="gray-box"></div>

Here's the corresponding CSS:

html, body {
    /* Parent of #gray-box needs a defined height for % height to work */
    height: 100%;

    /* Remove any additional spacing around #gray-box */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

#gray-box {
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 100%; /* Allow #gray-box to adjust with its content */
    background: #ddd;

Check out a live demo here.

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