H3 Tag Embraced by a Repetitive Image

As I'm developing a website, I've encountered an interesting challenge...

I have an h3 tag that requires a repeating background on both sides. It's a bit difficult to describe, so I created this graphic to illustrate...

Essentially, it's a title with a repeating background on either side of it, but the background stops where the title starts and then resumes afterwards. Despite trying various CSS approaches, I haven't been successful... Any suggestions?

Answer â„–2

One approach is to include a repeat-x background in the h3 element and then nest a span tag inside. Of course, there are numerous alternative methods for achieving this effect as well.

For a live demonstration, check out this demo.

Answer â„–3

It may be helpful to include an additional tag within your h3 element, like so:

<h3><span class="text">title goes here</span></h3>


h3 {
  background: url('img.jpg') repeat-x;
  padding: 0 20px; /* adjust as needed */

h3 .text {
  background: #fff; /* customize as desired */

Update: HTML:

<h3><span class="pre"></span><span class="text">title goes here</span><span class="post"></span></h3>


h3 span.pre,
h3 span.post {
  background: url('header-bg.jpg') repeat-x;
  display: block;
  width: 20px;
  float: left;

h3 span.text {
  float: left;
  display: block;

Answer â„–4

Is this solution suitable? It's not just one single tag...

<style type="text/css>
  div {background-image: url('navlolite.gif'); text-align: center;}
  label {background-color: #FFFFFF; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 24px;}

  <label>Heading Text Here</label>

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