What is the best way to modify React state?

Can someone help me troubleshoot an issue with toggling React state after a button click? I want to be able to change "Work From Office" to "Work From Home" and vice versa, but it's only working once. Is there a way to achieve this using an if statement or is there a simpler solution?

 ** React **
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import './ChangeSchedule.css';
    class ChangeSchedule extends Component {
        this.state = {
        //    work:'from office'
        //    work:'from Home'

                    <div class="schedule change">
                        <h3>Emplyoee Name: </h3>
                        <p>Today Pooja is work {this.state.work}</p>
                        {/* <button class="chageScheduleBtn " onClick = {()=> this.changeMyWorkPlace()}> Change My Schedule </button> */}
                        <button class="chageScheduleBtn " onClick = {()=> this.workFromOffice() ?'Home': 'Office'}> Change My Schedule </button>
    export default ChangeSchedule;

Answer №1

To manage different states, consider using a ternary expression to show specific content.

Here is an example:

{this.state.workFromOffice ? " from Office" : " from Home"}

Your button should now function as intended:

<button class="chageScheduleBtn" onClick={()=> this.changeMyWorkPlace()}>
  Change My Schedule

For a complete working demonstration, check out this codesandbox example.

Answer №2

To achieve this functionality, you can modify the code as shown below. Simply update the status on click events and utilize a ternary expression within the button:

import { Component } from "react";
import "./ChangeSchedule.css";

class ChangeSchedule extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      workFromOffice: true,

  changeMyWorkPlace() {
      workFromOffice: !this.state.workFromOffice,

  render() {
    return (
        <div class="schedule change">
          <h3>Employee Name: </h3>
          <p>Today Pooja is working {this.state.work}</p>
          <button class="chageScheduleBtn " onClick={() => this.changeMyWorkPlace()}>
            {this.state.workFromOffice ? "Work From Home" : "Work From Office"}

export default ChangeSchedule;

Answer №3

To simplify your state management, consider focusing on a single entry such as workFromOffice. Your click handler can then easily toggle the value of this entry. Here's an example:

onClick={() => this.setState({ workFromOffice: !this.state.workFromOffice })}

Answer №4

Each time you run the changeMyWorkPlace function, it captures your initial state and uses it. This means it only works once unless you instruct React to use the most up-to-date state. Try this approach:

        this.setState((previousState) => ({ 
        //    work:'from Home'

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