Element in list displaying a distinct alignment from the rest

I currently have a navigation bar based on a list, which looks something like this:


My concern is how to position the "Logout" item on the right side of the screen. I've tried adding clear list items but that seems like a messy workaround and doesn't work across all screen resolutions.

This is what my list currently looks like:

<ul runat="server" id="tabs">
   <li class="test">
   <a href="DetailView.aspx?call=104"><span class="tab">  
   <li class="test">
     <a href="Overview.aspx"><span class="tab">
   <li class="test">
     <a href="Logout.aspx"><span class="tab">
     <strong style="text-align: right">Logout</strong></span></a>

So my question is, can I align this item to the right within the list structure? If not, I'm open to exploring alternative solutions. I hope I have explained my issue clearly. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

To position the logout button on the right side of the header, you can apply a float property to the list item. In my example, I used last child selector but you have the option to create another class or use inline styling:


Alternatively, you can also use text-align property on the list item. However, in order for it to display correctly, you may need to specify the width of the list item.

Answer №2

Check out this code snippet:

<div class="menu-item" style="text-align: right">
 <a href="LogoutPage.html"><span class="nav-link"><strong>Logout</strong></span></a>

Answer №3

To ensure the complete alignment of the list item, simply incorporate a new class such as floatRight.

 <ul runat="server" id="tabs">
       <li class="test">
       <a href="DetailView.aspx?call=104"><span class="tab">  
       <li class="test">
         <a href="Overview.aspx"><span class="tab">
       <li class="test floatRight">
         <a href="Logout.aspx"><span class="tab">
         <strong style="text-align: right">Logout</strong></span></a>

Don't forget to add the following CSS:


If desired, you can also apply inline styling like this:

<li class="test" style="float:right;">

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